My personal story is not unlike that of many people who became victims of crime, poverty and tragedy growing up. My life required me not only to “pull myself up by my bootstraps,” it required me to tan and cut the hide, stitch the soles, and weave my own bootlaces!
When I was one year old my mother was murdered at the age of 16, leaving me to be raised by my grandparents. Starting at the age of four, I was sexually abused by my father which later took my life during my teen years into a dark place of the female adult entertainment industry, and what we call today- sex trafficking. By the time I graduated from high school I became the mother of two children... Continue Reading
Easing the Pain:
Overcoming the Loss of a Child
Regardless of the age or reason, the loss of any child can be overwhelming and exhausting. But when a parent has to bury their adult child, the measure of grief can be intensified and seems like it’s too much bear. Unfortunately, many people in society discount the measure of grief when a parent loses an adult child versus a minor.
But for those parents, there’s not only healing—there is hope.
In this candid literary masterpiece, author Dr. Terra DeFoe takes readers on a journey of self-discovery, healing and wholeness after such a great loss. Equipping readers with pivotal tools to build their own “toolbelt,” she strategically helps readers manage, maintain, survive and eventually thrive through the good and challenging times that are sure to come and go unexpectedly.

You Never Walk Alone will remind you of a greater faith, that although one may suffer the effects of loneliness while walking through life, you are never truly alone. You Never Walk Alone will encourage you to connect with a faith that is built upon trusting in the reality of a loving, kind, friend named Jesus; who walks with us through life and assists us when no one else can.